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Award Categories

AKHLAQUNA Junior Award

AKHLAQUNA Junior Award

It is an award that targets ages from 7 to 14 years who carry out projects, initiatives and various contributions to the community and the school.

A generation that cherishes its values and morals, and exemplifies them in life. 

  • The candidate must be between 7-14 years old.
  • The student must be a citizen or resident of the State of Qatar.
  • The candidate must not have been issued any misconduct notice by his/her school.
  • The candidate must not have previously won the AKHLAQUNA Award and is not entitled to apply to the Akhlaquna Youth Award if he wins.
  • The school must attach a letter of recommendation from a committee comprising the school principal, a teacher, and the school social worker, including but not limited to details of qualities of the candidate student: Regular school attendance, Compliance with school regulations, Preservation of the public properties in the school, Commitment to the school uniform and Being a good moral role model in the school.
  • Round 1: The candidate must achieve the minimum requirements of the competition to be among the top three nominees (60 marks of the total score).
  • Round 2: The winner in Round 1 qualifies to a personal interview. 
  • Round 3: Passing the interview successfully. 
  • The school must complete the application form online and submit all required attachments. Paper files will not be accepted and sending a paper file will affect the students’ score negatively.
  • Evidence and documentation must be clear and specific to accurately reflect the candidate’s actual performance. They may include: 
    • Letters of recommendation by two teachers; explaining the following:
      1.    Positive acceptance of teachers' guidance.
      2.    Being a good moral role model in the classroom.
      3.    Keenness to help others.
      4.    Other good qualities of the student.
    • One or Two letters of recommendation by the student's classmates, including but not limited to:
      1.    Moral qualities of the student.
      2.    Keenness to help classmates.
      3.    Building good relationships with other students.
    • A letter of recommendation from the parent of the candidate student, including but not limited to:
      1.    The students’ good morals.
      2.    Acceptance of criticism and guidance positively.
      3.    Maintaining cleanliness and order at home.
      4.    Keenness to help others.
  • Evidence and documentation must be related to the last two years, non-inclusive of the year of submission.
  • All evidence and documents must be certified, stamped, and dated by the school administration.  
  • All attachments must be numbered according to the standard number and sequentially, ensuring that they are not repeated.
  • Unofficial documents without seals and dates will be excluded from the arbitration process.
  • Approval of activities related to the contribution to the community will be obtained from the implementing agency, not from the school administration.
  • The candidate can choose the language he/she prefers for the personal interview. 
  • In order to ease the arbitration process, it is recommended to start camera and audio if the personal interview is virtual. 
  • The data must be entered by the coordinator of the award in the school, taking into account that all letters of recommendation are to be treated with strict confidentiality.
  • For inquiries, you can contact us at the following number: 44548032
  • Alternatively, you can send an email to

You can submit your requests through the following link

To obtain the login information for each coordinator, you can contact our Akhlaquna Team at



It is a group that targets ages from 15 to 18 years who carry out projects, initiatives and various contributions to the community and the school.

A generation that cherishes its values and morals and exemplifies them in life. 

  • The candidate must be between 15-18 years old.
  • The student must be a citizen or resident of the State of Qatar.
  • The candidate must not have been issued any misconduct notice by his/her school.
  • The candidate must not have previously won the Akhlaquna Junior or Youth Award.
  • The school must attach a letter of recommendation from a committee comprising the school principal, a teacher, and the school social worker, including but not limited to details of qualities of the candidate student: Regular school attendance, Compliance with school regulations, Preservation of the public properties in the school, Commitment to the school uniform and Being a good moral role model in the school.
  • Round 1: The candidate must achieve the minimum requirements of the competition (25 marks of the total score).
  • Round 2: The winner in Round 1 qualifies to present in the personal interview. 
  • Round 3: Passing the interview successfully. 
  • The school must complete the application form online and submit all required attachments. Paper files will not be accepted and sending a paper file will affect the students’ score negatively.
  • Evidence and documentation must be clear and specific to accurately reflect the candidate’s actual performance. They may include: 
    • Letters of recommendation by two teachers; the student's classmates and the parent of the candidate student explaining the following: Being a good moral role model in the classroom, School and home and Ethics qualities of the student.
  • Evidence and documentation must be related to the last two years, non-inclusive of the year of submission.
  • All evidence and documents must be certified, stamped, and dated by the school administration.  
  • All attachments must be numbered according to the standard number and sequentially, ensuring that they are not repeated.
  • Unofficial documents without seals and dates will be excluded from the arbitration process.
  • Approval of activities related to the contribution to the community will be obtained from the implementing agency, not from the school administration.
  • The candidate can choose the language he/she prefers for the personal interview. 
  • In order to ease the arbitration process, it is recommended to start camera and audio if the personal interview is virtual. 
  • The data must be entered by the coordinator of the award in the school, taking into account that all letters of recommendation are to be treated with strict confidentiality.
  • For inquiries, you can contact us at the following number: 44548032
  • Alternatively, you can send an email to

You can submit your requests through the following link

To obtain the login information for each coordinator, you can contact our Akhlaquna Team at

AKHLAQUNA Individual Contributions Award - State of Qatar

AKHLAQUNA Individual Contributions Award - Qatar

Inaugurated in 2023, the Individual Initiative Award represents a novel Category with a distinct mission to spotlight the owners of morally influential initiatives and projects that bear a positive influence on society, with a particular focus on individuals aged 19 to 45 years. This category endeavors to amplify individual endeavors that harmonize with the principles of Prophet Muhammad ethics. Moreover, it aspires to rally the community and encourage it to participate in such awards that create moral awareness and positive social movement.

  1. The applicant must be between 19 and 45 years old.
  2. The applicant must be a Qatari citizen or a resident of Qatar.
  3. The applicant must upload their identity document during registration and fill in all the required information.
  4. The applicant must not have previously won any Akhlaquna Initiative awards.
  5. The application for the initiative must be submitted through the official website.
  6. The initiative or contribution must have been ongoing for at least two years and still be active.
  7. Only one contribution or initiative may be submitted.
  8. The initiative owner must record a two-minute video explaining the initiative briefly.
  1. The initiative owner must present an introductory file about the initiative, clarifying its objectives, the purpose of its establishment, and the target audience.
  2. The initiative must have clear achievements, documented evidence, and a wide-reaching impact on the entire community.
  3. The contribution must be individual, meaning the idea of the contribution must belong to a single person.
  4. The initiative or contribution must not aim for profit.
  5. The initiative must directly promote ethics.
  6. The individual contribution must aim to make an impact in Qatar.
  7. The initiative must achieve sustainability and continuity without interruption.
  8. The initiative must have a creative nature and an innovative approach.
  9. The impact of the initiative must be proven by submitting evidence and data that shows the number of beneficiaries and the activities conducted.
  1. Adhere to the specified submission deadline.
  2. Access the official website and the page dedicated to contributions.
  3. Ensure the personal identification card is uploaded.
  4. Enter official information by filling out the form attached to the link, with accurate data.
  5. Attach evidence, activities, and photos in PDF format.
  1. The Akhlaquna Initiative falls under the umbrella of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development in the State of Qatar. No institution or organization is allowed to use the award's logo or media materials for personal purposes without prior permission from the award team.
  2. The initiative evaluates all entries with a judging panel experienced in assessing submissions.
  3. All participants must adhere to the submission deadlines and ensure the integrity of all submitted data.
  4. Akhlaquna Initiative reserves the right to use photos and videos related to all winners for marketing purposes.
  5. Any entry that does not meet the conditions and criteria for all categories will be disqualified.
  6. The winners' names will be officially announced at "Akhlaquna Day."
  • For inquiries, you can contact us at the following number: 7060 0034
  • Alternatively, you can send an email to
  • If you meet the conditions and criteria, kindly access the registration link provided. Ensure that all required data is completed.
  • To Edit your application, you can login here.

This is your chance to nominate deserving individuals for the Akhlaquna Award, an opportunity to celebrate and honor outstanding ethical character and contributions. Whether it's a friend, family member, someone you admire, or a member of your community, your nomination can recognize those who embody the highest standards of integrity and positive impact. Share their story with us and help shine a light on those who inspire and uplift others through their exemplary actions.

Participation Requirements:

  1. The initiative founder must be between 25 and 45 years old.
  2. The applicant must be a Qatari citizen or a resident of Qatar.
  3. The applicant must not have previously won any Akhlaquna Award.
  4. The initiative must be submitted through the official website.
  5. The initiative or contribution must have been in existence for at least two years and still be ongoing.

For new account, sign up here

For existing account, sign in here

AKHLAQUNA Individual Contributions Award - Arab Gulf Countries

AKHLAQUNA Individual Contributions Award - GCC

The Individual Contributions Category was introduced in 2023 with the primary objective of recognizing individuals behind morally impactful initiatives and projects that have a positive influence on society. This category is specifically designed for individuals aged between 25 and 45 years old. Through this category, we aim to receive contributions from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, with a particular focus on individuals who have individual contributions related to Prophet Muhammad ethics and influential among the community. We welcome individuals with such contributions to participate and share their achievements in the State of Qatar and across all GCC countries.

  1. The applicant must be between 25 and 45 years old.
  2. If the applicant is from the Gulf countries, they must be a native citizen of one of these countries (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, United Arab Emirates) by proving their identity, and their age must be between 25 and 45 years old.
  3. The applicant must upload their identity document during registration and fill in all the required information.
  4. The applicant must not have previously won any Akhlaquna Initiative awards.
  5. The application for the initiative must be submitted through the official website.
  6. The initiative or contribution must have been ongoing for at least two years and still be active.
  7. Only one contribution or initiative may be submitted.
  8. The initiative owner must record a two-minute video explaining the initiative briefly.
  1. The initiative owner must present an introductory file about the initiative, clarifying its objectives, the purpose of its establishment, and the target audience.
  2. The initiative must have clear achievements, documented evidence, and a wide-reaching impact on the entire community.
  3. The contribution must be individual, meaning the idea of the contribution must belong to a single person.
  4. The initiative or contribution must not aim for profit.
  5. The initiative must directly promote ethics.
  6. The individual contribution must aim to make an impact in the applicant's country (one of the GCC countries).
  7. The initiative must achieve sustainability and continuity without interruption.
  8. The initiative must have a creative nature and an innovative approach.
  9. The impact of the initiative must be proven by submitting evidence and data that shows the number of beneficiaries and the activities conducted.
  1. Adhere to the specified submission deadline.
  2. Access the official website and the page dedicated to contributions.
  3. Ensure the personal identification card is uploaded.
  4. Enter official information by filling out the form attached to the link, with accurate data.
  5. Attach evidence, activities, and photos in PDF format.
  1. The Akhlaquna Initiative falls under the umbrella of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development in the State of Qatar. No institution or organization is allowed to use the award's logo or media materials for personal purposes without prior permission from the award team.
  2. The initiative evaluates all entries with a judging panel experienced in assessing submissions.
  3. All participants must adhere to the submission deadlines and ensure the integrity of all submitted data.
  4. Akhlaquna Initiative reserves the right to use photos and videos related to all winners for marketing purposes.
  5. Any entry that does not meet the conditions and criteria for all categories will be disqualified.
  6. The winners' names will be officially announced at "Akhlaquna Day."
  • Should you have any inquiries, kindly feel free to contact us at the following number: 7060 0034
  • You can also reach us via email at
  • If you meet the conditions and criteria, kindly access the registration link provided. Ensure that all required data is completed.
  • To Edit your application, you can login here.

This is your chance to nominate deserving individuals for the Akhlaquna Award, an opportunity to celebrate and honor outstanding ethical character and contributions. Whether it's a friend, family member, someone you admire, or a member of your community, your nomination can recognize those who embody the highest standards of integrity and positive impact. Share their story with us and help shine a light on those who inspire and uplift others through their exemplary actions.

Participation Requirements:

  1. The initiative founder must be between 25 and 45 years old.
  2. If the leader of the initiative is from the Gulf countries, they must be a native citizen of one of these countries (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, United Arab Emirates).
  3. The applicant must not have previously won any Akhlaquna Award.
  4. The initiative must be submitted through the official website.
  5. The initiative or contribution must have been in existence for at least two years and still be ongoing.

For new account, sign up here

For existing account, sign in here